• Éva Hózsa University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Hungarian Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia – University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty, Subotica, Serbia
Keywords: Lark, translation, the power overtaking the subject, cultural dimension, strangeness


It would be possible as well to virtually admit Mr Devil Schnapps (Pálinka Ördög) from János Herceg’s short story into Dezső Kosztolányi’s novel, Lark (Pacsirta). The study focuses on the recent translations of the ninth chapter of the novel. The term “diabolic” could be rather more connected to the fierce card game and winnings at the stag party in the mentioned chapter of the novel, yet the passion of drinking likewise represents the power which overtakes the subject. The adoption of the term pálinka (schnapps/brandy) is not always attained in the examined target language texts, it mostly remains unacquainted, and so the Hungarian cultural aspect becomes prominent from the viewpoint of the German recipients. The study indicates the alterations of the theoretical concepts and the translation practice, since modern translations–in the spirit of translation theories–increasingly lay emphasis upon the unknown cultural dimension. The emphasized target language texts initiate further interpretational opportunities and perspectival dialogues.


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