• Ágnes Klára PAPP Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faculty of Humanities Department of Modern Hungarian Literature, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Budapest Hungary
Keywords: space poetics, urban research, chronotope, provincial small town, irony, handling of time


The paper presents a two-pronged approach to the topic. On the one hand, it makes an attempt to examine the chronotope of the small town in the second half of the 19th century; in the first place, to describe it in terms of the myth of the metropolis of its time: its characteristic depiction of space and experience of time and the sensation of life and image of man that it conveys. In doing so, the author seems to discover in the representations of the small town, first of all, the “anti-myth” of the metropolis of the time. On the other hand, the paper considers the Hungarian variant of the so determined small town image in the first half of the 20th century. In the first half of the study she focuses on the novels Mária évei (Maria’s Years) by Margit Kaffka and Az Isten háta mögött (Behind God’s Back) by Zsigmond Móricz.


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22. 07. 2015.