Hungarológiai Közlemények
(Papers of Hungarian Studies)
ISSN 0350 2430
UDC 821.511.141+811.511.141


About the Journal

Hungarológiai Közlemények (Papers of Hungarian Studies) is the peer-reviewed scholarly quarterly journal of the Hungarian Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. It publishes papers in the subject area of Hungarian language, Hungarian literature, cultural history, ethnography, ethnology and comparatistics, many of which are written within the framework of a scientific project or have been presented at national or international conferences describing the results of researches.

The Journal has a long and outstanding tradition. It was first published under the title Hungarológiai Intézet Tudományos Közleményei as the publication of Hungarológiai Intézet (Hungarological Institute) in 1969. Its name later changed, and since 1976 it has been issued under the title Hungarológiai Közlemények. Presently the Journal is published quarterly (four numbers per year).

The position of Managing Editor is always filled by the current Head of the Institute or the Department. The former Editors-in-Chief of the journal were: Dr. István Szeli, Dr. Imre Bori, Dr. Miklós Hornyik, Dr. László Molnár Csikós, Dr. László Gerold and Dr. Éva Harkai Vass. The current Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Éva Toldi.

The Journal ensures the development of the local Hungarian scientific life, it predominantly treats topics linked to our region which call for scientific study. These fields of researches include the history of and modern Hungarian literature in Vojvodina, interactions between Hungarian and Serbian literature and culture, description of multicultural and intercultural phenomena, presentation of contact phenomena and contrastive linguistic studies.

The Hungarológiai Közlemények primarily focuses on researching phenomena which requires competence in both Hungarian and Serbian culture, thereby promoting the meeting of cultures. In addition to examining the literary, linguistic and cultural interactions, the Journal will place even more emphasis on interdisciplinarity and international scientific integration and collaboration. It has an international Editorial Board; studies written in Hungarian are introduced by a short abstract and keywords in Serbian and English.

The Journal is on the list of scientific journals for social studies at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and has M51 category.

The fact that the issues of the journal are available not only in printed version but also in digital version on the home page of the Faculty of Philosophy,  (, in the Hungarian Electronic Library of the National Széchényi Library ( and it is also listed in the Hungarian Scientific Publications Database (“Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára”), Hungarian Digital Archiv in Vojvodina – VAMADIA (, contributes to the dissemination of the results published in the journal. Hungarológiai Közlemények is available in CEEOL and since 2020 it is listed in the international reference index Erih Plus.

Starting with No. 1 (2015) the Hungarológiai Közlemények also appears in electronic form: