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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text complies with the requirements of the concept of the journal.
  • The full text or its modified version did not appear in any other publications.
  • The paper does not contain any ethical misconduct.
  • The full official name of the institution supporting the research project and the project number appear in the footnotes of the first page.
  • In the case of conference papers, the title of the conference, the name and postal address of the organizer, the conference venue and its date appear in the footnotes of the first page.
  • The title of the paper is relevant to the topic.
  • The text is introduced by a short abstract of 800–1000 characters summarizing the paper, which includes the subject matter, methods,objectives and results of the research.
  • The abstract is followed by keywords, 5 words at the most.
  • The keywords are internationally known and accepted concepts.
  • The maximum length of the text does not exceed 30,000 characters including spaces.
  • The manuscript meets the detailed editing instructions, in particular regarding the methods of making references and presenting the bibliography.
  • The citations are appropriately marked.
  • The paper is impeccable regarding spelling and grammar.
  • The paper is provided with a title, abstract and keywords in English and Serbian.
  • The e-mail accompanying the paper gives the full name and postal address of the institution where the author is employed in Hungarian, Serbian and English.

Author Guidelines

Hungarológiai Közlemények
(Papers of Hungarian Studies)
ISSN 0350 2430
UDC 821.511.141+811.511.141


for manuscript submission formatting


We kindly ask the authors contributing to the journal Hungarológiai Közlemények to follow instructions provided below when preparing and submitting their papers.

  • The journal publishes papers in Hungarian in the subject area of history and theory of literature, linguistics, ethnology, history of culture and history of literary relations.
  • Texts previously published elsewhere, or modified versions of texts released under similar title in other journals or publications may not be published in the journal.
  • The text can be published if it has received at least two anonymous positive reviews. The selection of reviewers is made from the prominent experts in the field, who will be invited by the editorial board. The editorial board guarantees that the author and the reviewers are not from the same institution. In the case of one positive and one negative review, the editorial board requires a third opinion.
  • If the scholarly work was written within the frameworks of a research project, the full legal name of the institution supporting the project and the number of the project must be indicated in the footnote at the bottom of the first page.
  • In the case that the study had been presented and delivered at a scientific conference, the title of the conference, the name of the institution which organized it, its seat, as well as the location and date of the conference must also be indicated in the footnote at the bottom of the first page.
  • It is desirable that the title of the study includes key concepts. In the case that the title does not include such concepts, it is advisable to clarify the subject matter of the text in the subtitle.
  • The text is introduced by a short abstract (800 – 1,000 characters including spaces) summarizing the text which discusses the subject matter, method, objectives and results of the research. The abstract should be followed by keywords (5 words at the most). It is advisable to use internationally known concepts.
  • The maximum length of the main text is 30,000 characters including spaces.
  • References should not be made in the footnotes but in the main text.
  • The text may contain footnotes; however, they are not a substitute for the bibliography.
  • The text of the study should be sent electronically (Word, Times New Roman) to the editor in chief (eva.toldi@ff.uns.ac.rs) or the editors (hungar@ff.uns.ac.rs).
  • We kindly ask the authors to e-mail us the name and the postal address of the institution employing them (in Hungarian, Serbian and English).


 Detailed editing instructions:

Please submit your paper using Times New Roman 12pt justified font, spacing set at single line.

At the beginning of the manuscript, an indication of the following data is required:

The author’s SURNAME and first name (without title, surname all in upper-case letters)

Name of the institution employing the author
Location of the institution (or the author’s address)
The author’s contact e-mail address

University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Philosophy
Department of Hungarian Language and Literature
TITLE of the paper (upper case letters)
Subtitle, if there is one (italic).

A brief summary (abstract), full-block style (without indentation), without paragraphs, 800 – 1,000 characters including spaces.

Keywords: maximum 5 words.

the main text of the paper: font size 12pt. normal, 1 – “single” – line spacing.

To start a new paragraph use ’enter’ at the end of a line; indents are set by Tools menu, Format, Paragraph, First line command. Please do not use the Tab key and line spacing.

Citations longer than four lines should be presented in a block form removed from the main body by an extra line space without quotation marks, margin-left: 2cm (Home, Paragraph, Indent, Left command)

Sub-chapter titles (size 12pt, centred, italic)

Subtitles should not be numbered.

The title of works and highlights should be italicized. There may be several subtitles, centred, italicized, the same font size as the paragraph (12pt).

Suffixes should be added directly to titles and highlights in normal upright font (a Bánk bánnal, ebben a dalban…). The author’s highlights should be put into brackets.

Method of referencing:

The source of the citations is indicated in the main text.

Commentaries or notes accompanying the main text may be added in the footnotes by using the “Insert” “Footer” command in the text editor program.

All citations should appear in the list of Literature at the end of the text. Literature does not provide bibliography but lists works in alphabetical order that the author has referred to in the text. For non-Hungarian authors family names are followed by a comma, which is then followed by the first name(s).

The bibliography and textual references should be drawn up as follows:


Single author:
Tverdota György. 2010. Zord bűnös vagyok, azt hiszem: József Attila kései költészete. Pécs: Pro Pannonia.
(Tverdota 2010), following a quotation: (Tverdota 2010, 55)

Two or more authors:
Tolnai Ottó–Domonkos István. 1968. Valóban mi lesz velünk. Újvidék: Forum.
(Tolnai–Domonkos 1968, 12–13)

When a book has four or more authors all names are given in the bibliography, while in the main text only the name of the first listed author figures followed by ‘at al.’

Hoppál Mihály–Jankovics Marcell–Nagy András–Szemadám György. 2000. Jelképtár. Budapest: Helikon Kiadó.
(Hoppál et al. 2000, 42)

Edited volumes:
Horváth Imre–Thomka Beáta vál. és szerk. 2010. Narratívák 8: Narratív teológia. Budapest: Kijárat Kiadó.
(Horváth–Thomka 2010, 58–59)

Chapter in an edited book:
Szegedy-Maszák Mihály. 1998. Fordítás és kánon. In Irodalmi kánonok. 47–70. Debrecen: Csokonai Kiadó.
(Szegedy-Maszák 1998, 48)

Ricoeur, Paul. 1999. Emlékezet – felejtés – történelem. Ford. Rózsahegyi Edit. In Narratívák 3: A kultúra narratívái, szerk. és a szövegeket gondozta Thomka Beáta. 51–68. Budapest: Kijárat Kiadó.
(Ricoeur 1999, 54)

Translated publications:
García Márquez, Gábriel. 1990. Szerelem a kolera idején. Ford. Székács Vera. Budapest: Magvető.
(García Márquez 1990, 77)

Dragomán György. 2014. Máglya. Budapest: Magvető. Epub.
(Dragomán 2014)

In the case of online publications please indicate the date of the last view in brackets.
Krúdy Gyula. 1967. Régi pesti históriák : Színes írások. Budapest: Magvető. http://mek.oszk.hu/00800/00869  (2015. jún. 9.)
(Krúdy 1967)

Articles or studies (printed)

Journals: Lengyel Zsolt. 2014. Szóasszociációs vizsgálatok. Hungarológiai Közlemények 45 (4): 1–12.
(Lengyel 2014, 10)

Fenyvesi Ottó. 2015. Modern folklór. Magyar Szó – Kilátó, jan. 24–25. 24.
(Fenyvesi 2015, 24)

Papers or journals accessible on the internet:
Szemere Katalin. 2015. Hörpölték a kultúrát. Népszabadság, jún. 8. http://nol.hu/kultura/haraphato-eneklesi-vagy-1538629 (2015. jún. 9.)
(Szemere 2015)

Electronic publications:
Keresztesi József. 2014. Kilépés a múzeumból. Litera http://www.litera.hu/hirek/peterfy-a-kitomott-barbar (2015. jún. 9.)
(Keresztesi 2014)

If the article has a DOI-number, please indicate it at the end of the reference.

The above guidelines are also valid for the footnotes.

Where reference is made to foreign language publications in the bibliography, the author’s second (family) name should be in the first place, followed by the first (Christian) name, separated by a comma (e.g.: Ricoeur, Paul). The title of the work, name of the publisher and place of publication should all be written in the original.

In the case that something is not mentioned in the guideline for references, please refer to the Chicago Manuel of Style Author-Date System:


At the end of the paper an abstract and keywords are required in English and Serbian.


The Editorial Board of Hungarológiai Közlemények