• Erzsébet Csányi University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Hungarian Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia
Keywords: Fenyvesi Ottó, jeans-poetry, intensifying meaning, repetition


Tools for intensifying meaning in Fenyvesi Ottó's jeans-poem In Fenyvesi Ottó’s poem titled Roll over T@polca the flowing, waterfall-like, co-ordinative, highlighting, stirring up procedures of jeans poetry prevail as the typical poetical tool for intensifying meaning. The exaggeration, the strident emotional coloration mobilizes the extremes of linguistic potential. The beatnik emotional world in rolling over – in overthrowing, tipping over, passing round, spinning, turning over tries to question the course of the world and to picture the conflict, but simultaneously not to collide too intensively and not to confront. Accumulation, repetition all are forms of emphasis, the same strophes all mean a novel intake of breath in forming a dizzying circuit of rhythmically appearing thoughts.


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16. 12. 2015.