• Judit MUDRICZKI Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Művészettudományi és Művészetpedagógiai Tanszék, Budapest, Magyarország
Keywords: translation history, Len Rix, cultural inscription, Antal Szerb, Lawrence Venuti


This study intends to find an answer to the question what makes Antal Szerb’s fiction popular in the United Kingdom in the first decades of the 21st century. First, it describes the sociocultural context in which the English translations were made by Len Rix and published by Pushkin Press in London, then, with the help of excerpts cited from Journey by Moonlight and Pendragon Legend, it offers a contrastive textual analysis that reveals the traces of what Lawrence Venuti calls cultural inscription. The study concludes that the domesticating strategies the translator applies result in and thus explain the differences between the Hungarian and the English texts in the examples cited, because instead of a literal translation, his wording of the English text is determined by the conventions of English prose and the expectations of his assumed English readers.


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28. 01. 2019.