• Csilla UTASI
Keywords: Miroslav Krleža, Imre Bori, Endre Ady, the Monarchy’s literature, historical chart


In the Serbian literature of the second half of the 2010s the interest in the oeuvre of Miroslav Krleža, besides the thematic issue of the magazine Gradac, is illustrated by Vlaho Bogišić, a Croatian scholar and lexicographer, in his doctoral thesis defended in Novi Sad in 2016; Bogišić had researched Krleža for decades. He explains in his dissertation that Krleža can be also regarded as a Serbian writer, because with his works, position and relations he has influenced Serbian literature in a way that is impossible to ignore. Imre Bori specifies the Hungarian aspects of the writer’s oeuvre in his Krleža monograph of 1976; he associates Hodorlahomor the Great, the short story which tells of Krleža’s ideological turning point, with Ady’s Old Malign image, and finds his essay on Ady (1930) to be one of Krleža’s writings in which he formulated his literary views. The paper, on the one side, presents and evaluates the lines of thought in Imre Bori’s monograph and, on the other side, proves that the Hungarian elements of the Croatian writer’s work cannot be dealt with exclusively within the scope of the Monarchy’s literature, since in the essay Zára aranya és ezüstje (The Gold and the Silver of Zara) the idea of a third component of the Mediterranean region was directly echoed in the 1960s young literature in Vojvodina.

Author Biography

Csilla UTASI

Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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26. 10. 2020.