• Estera ONDREJČÁKOVÁ Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities Literary Studies PhD Budapest
Keywords: Lőrinc Szabó, Anton Straka, Czechoslovak-Hungarian relations, translation of poems


The study discusses the Czechoslovak relations of Lőrinc Szabó’s oeuvre. Lőrinc Szabó and Erzsébet Korzáti went on a round tour in Czechoslovakia lasting for over a week beginning on 1. August 1933. The tour was promoted by Anton Straka, the Czechoslovak cultural attaché. Most information about the trip we find in Hungarian from the posthumous papers: Vékesné Korzáti Erzsébet’s journal of her travels, Lőrinc Szabó’s poems and his letters to his wife Klára Mikes. Lőrinc Szabó met eminent Czech and Slovak poets at the Barrandov terraces in Prague, with whom he afterwards kept up a lively correspondence. During Straka’s stay and activities in Budapest, he organized the ‘Friday evening gatherings’, where he hosted outstanding Hungarian, Czech and Slovak artists. As an outcome of this Czechoslovak-Hungarian rapprochement Straka edited the Anthology of Czech and Slovak Poems.


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15. 07. 2015.