• Irén LÁNCZ University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Hungarian Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia
Keywords: dialogue, script, question, speaker change, context


The paper looks at the characteristics of dialogues from the aspect of conversation analysis and she also tackles certain pragmatic and linguistic features based on conversations from the Hungarian programs of Radio Novi Sad. By presenting parts of dialogues she shows how elements of the conversation script, among other things engaging in conversation, speaker change and ending the conversation, are materialized. Basing it on the analysis, one can say that not only questions (Yes/No questions, WH questions and from the pragmatic point of view open-ended questions) but also comments and statements of facts can organize dialogues. Unlike everyday dialogues, dialogues in formal situation rarely contain a change of topic. The author shows how the participants return to the original topic. There are linguistic errors in the spontaneous spoken dialogues from the radio. The examples show how they become corrected. The context of the conversation includes the situational context, context of the action and thematic context. Their components among other things include reference to space and time and marking relationships between speakers in the conversation. The study shows the presence and linguistic means of expression of these components. 


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19. 09. 2016.