• Beáta THOMKA Pécsi Tudományegyetem Modern Irodalomtörténeti és Irodalomelméleti Tanszék Pécs (Magyarország)
Keywords: French novel, Francophonie, intertextuality, French-Serbian and French- Algerian cultural relations


The study deals with two “first” novels one of which was written by Georges Perec (1936-1982), the well-known author of 20th century French literature, while the other one is Kamel Daoud (1970), a present-day Algerian French writer. The manuscript, which had gone astray, was found by the researchers of his oeuvre in the writer’s legacy. One of the locations of this early novel written in 1957 is the Belgrade of the time, and some of the characters are Serbian painters and art historians living in Paris. Yugoslav aspects give a peculiar feature to The Sarajevo Assassination (L’Attentat de Sarajevo). The essence of Daoud’s bold experiment is a cross-opus dialogue the writer initiates with Albert Camus’ classical work L’étranger.


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Camus, Albert. 1942. L’Étranger. Paris: Gallimard.
Camus, Albert. 1970. Közöny. Ford. Gyergyai Albert. Budapest: Európa.
Camus, Albert. 2016. Az idegen. Ford. Ádám Péter, Kiss Kornélia. Budapest: Európa.
Daoud, Kamel. 2013a. Djazairi. Le manifeste de ma langue. Langues Juin. 4. (2016. szept. 12.)
Daoud, Kamel. 2013b. Meursault, contre-enquête. Alger: Barzakh.
Daoud, Kamel. 2014. Mersauet, contre–euquête. Arles: Actes Sud.
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Decout, Maxime. 2012. Le masque & la plume. À propos du Condottière de Perec. Acta fabula 13 (3): Editions, rééditions, traductions. Mars: (2016. szept. 15.)
Mousset, Albert. 1930. L’Attentat de Sarajevo: Un drame historique. Paris: Éd. Payot.
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17. 02. 2017.