• Melinda SZARVAS University of Jyväskylä, Department of Art and Culture Studies Hungarian Studies, Jyväskylä (Finnország)
Keywords: cultural gravity, regional culture, literary history, cultural relations


The study deals with a new cultural model which is the cultural gravity. This new model describes the cultural relations between the Hungarian minority literary cultures, the Hungarian literary and the foreign languages literary cultures. The earlier models focused on the mediator roles and on the interdependencies. The cultural gravity emphasizes the independent cultural operation. This theory come from the natural sciences. This study focus on the relations of the Hungarian literature in Vojvodina, and it tries redefines these connections. This literary historical research talks about the conditions of the independent culture. The cultural gravity is in close connection with the other theory, with the network theory. The literary cultures are independent to varying extent. The cultural gravity shows these differences and examines the regional cultures also from this viewpoint.


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17. 02. 2017.