• Ilona RAJSLI
Keywords: corpus of phrasemes, story, anecdote, idiomatic similes, Vojvodina


A significant part of phrasemes in the corpus of Penavin legacy has some kind of interpretative explanation, an anecdote, legend, local event or story closely connected to the phraseme. These stories shed light onto the by now obscured meaning or origin of idioms, and for this reason they have become an integral part of the phrasemes when the compiled material is presented. When we wish to integrate this corpus into the unified Vojvodina database, the task to be solved concerns the formal questions of presenting these stories and explanations of varied characters and lengths, as well as the methods to be used for their processing. The paper gives a typological, structural and dialectological examination of this group of phrasemes; it encompasses phrases with short interpretations, ones which also shed light onto when and how to be used, and further, phrasemes connected to anecdotes, as well as those that include personal or place names. The number of idiomatic similes is exceptionally great in the analysed corpus. The examined layer of phrasemes can also serve as significant resource for research into the cultural history of Vojvodina.


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21. 07. 2017.