Present methods and future directions for development

  • Krisztina KÁROLY Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Angol–Amerikai Intézet, Angol Nyelvpedagógia Tanszék, Budapest, Magyarország
Keywords: applied linguistics, translation studies, applied text linguistics, translational discourse production, discourse level translation strategies


This paper reviews particular achievements of translation studies and applied text linguistics from among the various disciplines of applied linguistics that enable a deeper understanding of certain phenomena either under- or not at all researched in the field so far. The main concern of the study is translational discourse production. It intends to offer theoretical and methodological means to be able to answer such basic questions related to translational discourse production as for example whether it is at all possible to analyze the target language (re)production of coherence, or how the cohesive, rhetorical and generic structures of discourse ”behave” in translation. The paper also highlights future avenues of research in discourse analysis, genre analysis, target text oriented translation research and the study of translation universals, and strategies which may be successfully pursued with the help of some of the current achievements of these disciplines of applied linguistics.


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24. 01. 2019.