• Beáta GRABOVAC
Keywords: empathy, gender disparity, empathy quotient


This paper deals with the phenomenon of empathy, and it gives an overview of several related theoretical standpoints and concepts. The results so far have shown gender differences in the ability to empathize and systemize: women are on the whole more empathetic while men tend to have a systemizing mind according to Simon Baron-Cohen. Following this line of research the work presents the concepts of empathy (and systemizing). As well as the nowadays frequently used methods for measuring empathy. It sums up the results obtained so far on gender differences regarding empathy, which is the first step towards further studies. In the light of all this, the paper also deals with results obtained from regions where Hungarian is spoken, partly with results from Vojvodina, which also underpin the international results showing gender differences in empathy.


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28. 01. 2019.