The Hungarian Anthological representation of modern Yugoslavian prose

  • Kornélia FARAGÓ Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék Újvidék, Szerbia
Keywords: anthology, translation literature, strategies of canonization


The lecture, problematizing the editorial concepts of anthologies of translation that mediate the modern Yugoslav narrative literature, looks at the way in which the canonization strategies work during the sixties of the 20th century. It takes into account the phenomena associated with contemporary cultural habits, the penetration of the canonical forms of culture based on relevant sources and organized on an ideological basis. It deals with canonical „rescue” attempts, the locking of transpositions, the narrative divisions withdrawn from the selection (Mai jugoszláv elbeszélők, 1960), the alliances created in the sense of canonization, and the more active initiatives (Kísértő igazság: Mai jugoszláv elbeszélők, 1969) and the drawing of the new horizons related to the magazines called gravity centers (Borislav Pekić, Branimir Šćepanović, Antun Šoljan, Filip David, Svetozar Vlajković), that intend to locate the followers of „the paths of modern European literature” in the frames of an anthology.


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10. 12. 2019.