• Éva TOLDI Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék Újvidék, Szerbia
Keywords: translingualism, multiple identity, Vojvodinian culture background, translation


The paper analyses the novel Tauben fliegen auf by Melinda Nadj Abonji. The novel describes the life of a family that emigrated to work in Switzerland, while the reader also learns about the history of the region after World War II. The paper reveals how the novel is permeated by the author’s translingual experience, how it defines the multiple national identity of the characters, and the poetic procedures which she uses to build the complex pattern of their experience of the sense of belonging. The book has been translated into several languages. The lecture parallels the characteristics of the German text with the Hungarian and Serbian translations. By analysing the Galambok röppennek föl and Golubije srce, the paper seeks the answer to questions of how the variations of identity in the novel are reflected in the cultural environment it presents.


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10. 12. 2019.