What is ironic science, or in Rorty’s words: ironic theory? This is the question that the paper seeks to find an answer for, and also considers the questions of whether irony is present in all branches of science or it is merely the luxury of liberal art, further, what the relationship is between author, speaker and reader. He also raises the question whether postmodern perspectives on science lead to unity or fragmentation, and if literary thinkers are only distinguished by their vocabulary, then is there a grammar for this dictionary, and to what extent is it similar to some kind of deep structure? Without being forced to give a final answer, the author thinks it through whether or not the ironic theory would be the theory that is confirmed by its own lapse, and whether not to be ironic is a privilege due to the fact that everything quickly becomes obsolete both in theory and experimental physics. Is literature the experiment of aesthetic? What is the difference between the reading and thought? With all this in mind, is this already the science of the irony of ironic science?
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