• Zsuzsa TAPODI
Keywords: musicality, reminiscing, memory techniques, dandyism


Gyula Krúdy’s flawless style, the peculiar musicality effected by the cumulation of coordinate pictures, was regarded by contemporary critics as the peak performance of impressionist prose. Imre Bori drew attention to another characteristic. He called the writer’s process of text writing the Krúdy-effect, in this manner of writing the tiny details, a web of micro-realities, pictures, references in the background of foreground events arejust as important, often more important, than the events on the axis of the storyline of short stories and novels with anaemic plots. The study analyses and compares the writing techniques of Krúdy’s texts to the topics, styles and memory techniques of two of his contemporaries, the Spanish Ramón de valle-Inclán (1866–1936] and the Romanian Mateiu Caragiale (1885–1936), seeking to find an explanation for the interferences in the textual world of the authors living far apart.

Author Biography


Sapientia EMTE, Kolozsvár, Csíkszeredai Kar
Humántudományok Tanszék
Csíkszereda, Románia


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27. 07. 2024.