• Kornélia FARAGÓ
Keywords: avantgarde, history of literature, localization, modernity


The article intends to thematize several structural aspects of Imre Bori’s broad world, specifically exploring the complex system of multidimensionality. We are confronted with a literary-historical way of thinking, whose characteristics are the identification of certain problems of modernity, the interpretation of avant-garde discourse, the placement of Yugoslav literary relations in a particular perspective, or the problematization of prose, taking into account thematic-bodily innovations. It is not only a genre issue, but the content composition of the opus that is specifically complex. One of our starting questions is this: from the metaperspective of writing literary history, what are our chances of articulating interrelationships, specific areas of work and components of different roles. The inevitable question is, how do the expression of models, from the beginning of oeuvre, provides a way of seeing within a cohesive system, or within a logical framework of a specific minority program in accordance with special social positions and a special system of opportunity must be counted.

Author Biography

Kornélia FARAGÓ

Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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05. 12. 2024.