• Márton SZILÁGYI
Keywords: Sándor Petőfi, 1840s, romance, theatre, interpretation of history


Petőfi’s only completed drama is not one of his popular and frequently cited works. Its interpretation has not become an integral part of the oeuvre: even in János Horváth’s substantial monograph, there are only a few unfavourable words about the play, which attempt to make the writer’s failure understandable. Horváth’s words, however true, are basically worded by criteria for the reading of a play and not performing it on stage. Even though the text of the play can be characterised by such criteria, nevertheless, it can still be adequate material for stage performance. Undoubtedly, his drama lacked the creative stage reception that could justify the existence of this unconventional form of conventional wording. However, this does not mean that Petőfi’s excursion into this genre of literature should not be taken seriously, and that his practical theatrical experiences should be neglected while analysing the play.

Author Biography


Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézet
XVIII–XIX. századi Irodalomtörténeti Tanszék
Budapest, Magyarország


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26. 10. 2020.