• Sarolta DECZKI
Keywords: sociography, Hungarian prose, Imre Bori, realism, reality


Imre Bori saw in sociography the possibility of a renaissance of Hungarian prose in the middle of the nineteen-sixties. This renaissance did not come at the time, however, sociographically inspired works or sociographies have had a powerful influence on literature since the 1970s, and as a typically oppositional genre, on politics, too. Nowadays, we can once again observe that more and more literary works are created which the critics tend to regard as works of (new) realism. Several questions can be raised in this regard. First, what is the reason for this new wave, what aesthetic quality does it bring and then, – referring to Bori – is the strong presence of sociographic elements in contemporary literature about to bring a renaissance of prose? The study engages in tackling these problems.

Author Biography

Sarolta DECZKI

Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont
Irodalomtudományi Intézet
Budapest, Magyarország


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