• Zoltán VIRÁG
Keywords: identity, cultural history, interpretation of traditions, cultural mediation, interactivity


Letter writing emerges as a creative model or production model in the exchange of messages between these two literary men. The intensive communication demonstrating similarly developing work experiences and almost simultaneously ascending careers is at the same time a depiction of the era and society, stemming from such particular situations and issues which offer a multitude of hidden content and specialised meanings. An archive of nearly a hundred letters, postcards, picture postcards  and greeting cards present not just manuscript evidence of the everyday routine, exchange of opinions, mutual gestures and selflessness of two intellectual figures, but also an especially valuable documentation for the sociology of literature and history of institutions. By expanding linguistic and cultural competency, it provides a model and sets an example for the challenging literary and artistic endeavours for preserving community.

Author Biography

Zoltán VIRÁG

Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Irodalmi Tanszék
Szeged, Magyarország


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26. 10. 2020.