• Levente BORSOS
  • Beatrix OSZKÓ
Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, Hungarian as a foreign language, postcommunicative language learning, real communication, web 2.0


The study introduces snippets of a research result related to teaching Hungarian as a foreign language. The participants of the research were Hungarian teacher-trainees, Japanese and Croatian language learners, and it was conducted at the universities of Budapest, Osaka and Osijek. These two projects focused on intercultural communication competency and on the usage of ICT-tools. The interface for communication was provided by social media pages (LINE and Facebook). The topic centred tasks available on both computer and mobile devices were created by the teacher-trainees, and were solved by the language learners either in pairs or in teams. The last element of the projects was a survey completed by the participants. Based on the results of these projects, we elaborated on what was found useful  by the participants, moreover what they found challenging. As expected, cultural mediation and real communication were proved to be among the strengths, as well as the practice gained by theusage of ICT-tools. The two student groups indicated the challenges in varied measures. Parallel with other international studies, the results of our research also proved that the teacher being in control is an inevitable element of the projects. However, the teacher being in control can bring a lively colour into language teaching and learning.

Author Biographies

Levente BORSOS

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium Diplomáciai Akadémia
Budapest, Magyarország


Ljubljanai Egyetem
Általános és Összehasonlító Nyelvészeti Tanszék
Ljubljana, Szlovénia

Beatrix OSZKÓ

Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia
Nyelvtudományi Intézet
Budapest, Magyarország


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03. 03. 2021.