• Zoltán SZŰTS
Keywords: text, hypertext, digital pedagogy, online communication, digital media


The digital turn in pedagogy is based on both a communication and a text-centric revolution. This paper summarizes how an interactive text gives a new home to education. It, obeys the laws of the new networks, is inherently convergent, combines image, video, and sound while supports not only interactivity but also co-creation, and thus the user becomes a creator of content, that is, a prosumer. As a result of the integration of online communication and media processes into the subsystems of our world, educational institutions have begun to introduce and operate e-learning environments. Digital pedagogy is currently based on cloud-based, web 2.0 online communication and media platforms, and mobile applications. There are many ways to categorize these platforms. A valid approach is to divide based on access or the number of participants in learning. Considering all possible approaches, the author finally decided to group and examine the applications based on the communication functions they perform, while also addressing their elements based on hypertextuality.

Author Biography

Zoltán SZŰTS

Eszterházy Károly Egyetem
Informatikai Kar, Digitális Kultúra Tanszék
Eger, Magyarország


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03. 03. 2021.