• Edit KATONA
Keywords: figurativity, rhetorical devices, creativity, genres, multimedia


We live in a world of technical dominance which we cannot ignore, nevertheless, we cannot disown ourselves. We have to work on creating educational models, projects or task systems that bring to the surface the creative person dormant in the students. We need to make them realize that the universal form of communication is the basis of all other modes of expression, that the various media help, intersect, and perfect each other. Projects built on music as an ancient means of expression help to map and express the world of human feelings and thoughts for e.g. by raising awareness of the figurativity hidden in a text and of the metaphorical nature of our world of thought, and also through multifaceted creativity manifested in self-expression. In addition to the theoretical foundation, the paper studies the role of music in text creation, its imagery power, various stylistic effects, genre characteristics and the process of their creation. It does this in the hope that, through practical examples, we will be able to experience together with our students the human-shaping power of music and art in general. Meanwhile, we focus on music as a medium through which as Babits said, the music of the world plays through a creator and through us.

Author Biography


Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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