• Zoltán VIRÁG
Keywords: Yugoslavia, Vojvodina, identity, multilingualism, naming tradition


The paper focuses on the features of Pál Böndör’s epic poetry and inherency in the construction of his texts through the analysis of three of his works (Ebihalak [Toadpoles], A holdfény árnyékában [The Moonlight Shadow], and Bender & Tsa. [Bender & Co.). It argues that these works also maintain the maturity of adherence to form and that the blurred boundaries of genre in his narrative structures are not the cries of distress of the minority taking form in books of complaints, but interpretations, (self)perceptions and reflections making sense of the Yugoslav ethnic mirage, the illusion of union.Their real issue is that the subject made to speak (and through him any other regional identity seeker) should be able to relate to the biographical anomalies or mental anguishes evoked by their misspelled names in a way that they can see or make others see: it is hard to decide whether their words which encode personal events refer to actual life events or they evoke the grievances that they illustrate by continually picking at spiritual scabs.

Author Biography

Zoltán VIRÁG

Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Irodalmi Tanszék
Szeged, Magyarország


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15. 09. 2022.