Competing regionality formations

Regionality phenomena in Hungarian literary history writing after 1945 in a Romanian context

  • Ferenc VINCZE
Keywords: the history of Hungarian literature-writing, regionality formations, concepts of space, minority/nationality literature


In the discourse of 20th and 21st century Hungarian literary history writing – thanks to social and political changes – the aspect of regionality is recurrently present, primarily in relation to minority/ethnic Hungarian literature. The position and relations of these literatures can be inferred not only from the perspective of naming and designating them, but also from the way they are discussed or even represented as books. The study attempts to show the regionality formations in the history of Hungarian literature, which, reflecting on each other, overlapping and superseding each other, have tried to gain a dominant position in the discourse on Hungarian literature. As a point of comparison, the essay also includes the regionality phenomena of Romanian literature in the field of interpretation.

Author Biography


Bécsi Egyetem, Filológiai és Kultúratudományi Kar
Európai és Összehasonlító Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Intézet
Finnugor Tanszék
Bécs, Ausztria


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18. 01. 2023.