The District Hungarian People’s Theatre in Topolya, which operated for only ten years from 1949 to 1959, staged William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in its last season. This was the third Hungarian-language production of Shakespeare’s play in the Province after the premieres of The Taming of the Shrew (1953) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1955) in Subotica, and the first tragedy. For this company, made up of professional actors and amateurs, known for its varied programme and tour-based programming policy, which previously performed predominantly light plays, working with director István Lányi was a major challenge and a new form of expression. The production, with its unusual spatial organization and dramaturgical solutions, became a milestone in the history of Hungarian theatre in Vojvodina.
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Milenkovics Szvetiszláv. 1959. Ünnepi bemutató Topolyán – Többet kaptunk, mint amit vártunk! Ifjúság, ápr. 16. 12.
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