• Annamária BIRÓ
Keywords: Lajos Hatvany, emigration, political engagement


Lajos Hatvany (1880–1961) was a member of the delegation led by Mihály Károlyi, representing the Hungarian National Council, which travelled to Belgrade on 7 November 1918 to concretise the armistice. His disappointing experiences were first published in the columns of his newspaper, the Pesti Napló in 1918, and then, during his emigration to Vienna, he reflected on the reasons for the failure, and in 1921 published Das verwundete Land (The Wounded Country) a volume dedicated to Romain Rolland, in which he tried to explain to foreign readers the history of the suffering of the Hungarian people. This paper deals with the emigration of Lajos Hatvany and the aforementioned volume and its reception history, seeking answers to the question of why Hatvany, although rejected several times, nevertheless constantly longed to return to Hungary.

Author Biography

Annamária BIRÓ

Babeș–Bolyai Tudományegyetem
Magyar Irodalomtudományi Intézet
Kolozsvár, Románia


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23. 11. 2023.