• Hargita HORVÁTH FUTÓ
Keywords: text genetics, manuscript, text sources, final text, text variants, Nándor Gion


The study collects the documents relating to the process of the origin and writing of the tetralogy Latroknak is játszott (He Played for Malefactors, Too) by Nándor Gion using the methods of text genetics, and reconstructs the creative process on the basis of the revised and improved manuscripts and typescripts (genetic dossiers in the narrower sense) preserved in Gion’s legacy, which reflect the development of the writing. The examination of the creation of the novels is also helped by other supporting materials (letters, photographs, postcards, baptismal and marriage certificates, contemporary newspapers, historical resources, drafts, etc.) that are part of the broader genetic dossier which the study also takes into account. Most of the materials can be found in the Manuscript Collection of the National Széchényi Library, Fond 583/1‒22, while some of the documents are in the Manuscript Collection of the Gion Nándor Memorial House in Szenttamás. The work exploring text sources of the tetralogy also documents the text versions of the corpus, from the pre-texts to the post ones, namely to the different printed variants.

Author Biography


Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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