• Anna BORBÉLY
Keywords: bilingual community, bilingual individual, change survey, repeated research, Romanians in Hungary


In this paper a longitudinal research will be presented, which aimed to explore the complexity and temporal dynamics of bilingualism. The data were collected in Kétegyháza, a Romanian settlement in Hungary, during four fieldworks (in 1990, in 2000, in 2010, and in 2021). The analysis of the data was carried out in the framework of theoretical and methodological development of sociolinguistics. The corpus, built up over thirty years, contains a total of 408 documented units. Within this, audio recordings were made with 20 people from 1990 four times (this means 80 documented units). The presented results refer to bilingualism and related social changes registered in the past three decades.

Author Biography


HUN-REN Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont
Budapest, Magyarország


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