• Eleonóra KOVÁCS RÁCZ
Keywords: language attitudes, Serbian language use, Hungarian-speaking secondary school students in Vojvodina, Hungarians in block or scattered diaspora, stratified sampling


Serbian language learning and linguistic attitudes towards the Serbian language are topical issues in the language learning of Hungarian-speaking secondary school students in Vojvodina, therefore this paper deals with this topic. The study examines certain issues of Serbian language use by 3rd and 4th-grade Hungarian-speaking secondary school students in Vojvodina: speech situations in which Serbian is useful for them, and what the respondents do to learn Serbian. We also look at the Serbian websites our interviewees visited. By using the stratified sampling criterion, in addition to presenting the total sample of respondents (1,087 respondents), we also present the difference in opinions between Hungarian secondary school students living in block and scattered diaspora in Vojvodina, as well as between students in vocational or high schools. We aim to compare and correlate the data with other aspects of the attitudes of Hungarian-speaking secondary school students towards the Serbian language in Vojvodina.

Author Biography


Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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