• Annamária MARTHY
Keywords: conversation analysis, doctor-patient communication, language for specific purposes, suggestive communication


In this paper, I outline the theoretical framework of a planned empirical research, the characteristics of doctor–patient communication, including midwife–woman- in-labour communication, the research material, the research method, the research questions and the expected results. Studies demonstrate that the conditions and outcome of childbirth and the health of the mother and child are also affected by the quality of the professional-pregnant woman relationship during childbirth. Several studies prove that effective communication and emotional support of parturient women improve the outcome of childbirth (reduction in duration of labour, number of caesarean sections, use of anesthesia, higher Apgar scores). Although there are several Hungarian researchers focus on the study of doctor–patient communication, the analysis of midwife–woman-in-labour interaction is an undisclosed area, and its presentation may provide important data for the linguistic aspects of this field.

Author Biography

Annamária MARTHY

Semmelweis Egyetem Szaknyelvi Intézet
Budapest, Magyarország


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