• László ANGYAL Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem, Közép-európai Tanulmányok Kara, Magyar Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Intézet, Nyitra, Szlovákia
Keywords: onomastics, sociopragmatics, socioonomastics, contact phenomena


One of the aims of the Hungarian National Toponym Registry Program is to publish the toponyms of Frigyes Pesty’s database. In the programme, I undertook to describe the corpus of the place-name corpus of Nógrád County. In my study, I present a socioonomastic-sociopragmatic analysis of the Nógrád County material of Frigyes Pesty’s place-name database. This database is an extremely valuable collection from the point of view of onomastics, language history, ethnography, local history, historical geography, etc. It contains a corpus of synchronic place names collected in a relatively short period, which has since become a body of names of historical value. While describing the settlements of Nógrád County, I came across numerous entries of villages whose texts are perfectly suitable for socioonomastic-sociopragmatic studies. My research is therefore socioonomastic: I aim to present the linguistic interference phenomena and the characteristics of the name contactology of the Hungarian and Slovak ethnic groups living together in Nógrád county. As a result of the Hungarian–Slovak bilingual environment and the linguistic interaction, contact phenomena appear in the material of geographical names and personal names. In the boundary descriptions of a municipality, Hungarian and Slovak names of areas fluctuate, and names often appear in both languages. In addition to socioonomastic studies, the material of the place-name directory is also suitable for sociopragmatic studies: there are numerous data on the naming, designation, and addressing of women, so I also deal with this topic in the study.


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01. 11. 2024.