• Ágnes Klára PAPP Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Modern Magyar Irodalom, Irodalomelmélet és Összehasonlító Irodalomtudományi Tanszék, Budapest, Magyarország
Keywords: trauma, self, narrative psychological content research, narrative coherence, reduced laughter


This paper is an attempt at analyzing poems as trauma texts written by György Petri to Sára Kepe, considered to be climaxes of his love poetry. In doing so it attempts to find possible common points between narrative psychological content research and literary interpretation. By using the notion of Dominick LaCapra, it follows the process of “absence” developing into “loss” in the Petri verses’ structure of viewpoint, experience of time and instances of visuality or dialogic elements. A separate chapter is devoted to the connection between the ironic way of looking at things so characteristic of Petri and the processing of traumatic experiences. Finally, it approaches the verbalization and the narrativization of trauma through the question of Bakhtin’s “intonational metaphor” giving way to “semantic metaphor”.


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24. 01. 2019.