• Éva TOLDI
Keywords: transculturalism, identity, marginal position, multilingualism, narrative techniques


The serial novel known as the Darius Kopp-trilogy is completed by the novel “On the Rope” (Auf dem Seil) by Terézia Mora. The paper deals first of all with the different variants of transcultural identity in this third book, but it also reflects upon the novels “The Only Human on the Continent” (Der einzige Mann auf dem Kontinent) and “The Monster” (Das Ungeheuer). Migration, belonging to someone, alienness, and language interactions, these are all important components of the last book, however, the novel “On the Rope” shows significant shifts compared to the earlier works, and the lecture will reveal them. The experience of constant dislocation is further shaded by the fact that the border-crosser is this time the homecomer, who has to rebuild their identity; however, instead of memories. current dimensions and socio-cultural aspects of narration come to the front. The protagonist has to rebuild their identity, and the narrative structure of the novel follows this procedure while keeping up the uncertainty embedded in the forms of divergence all the time.

Author Biography


Újvidéki Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar
Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom Tanszék
Újvidék, Szerbia


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